Copy the xtrema.x32 file to your Director's Xtras folder.
Beta testers, browser testing:
Copy the xtrema.x32 file to your Shockwave's Xtras folder. Assuming your Windows installation folder is 'c:\windows', the folder to copy to should be found at : C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Macromed\Shockwave 10\Xtras (probably ..\system\... for Windows 98)
No initialization command required. Xtrema will be automatically initialized the first time you call one of its commands.
Note that the all of Xtrema's commands are integrated into Director's command set, so the 'new()' command has no effect on this Xtra.
Any objects created will be returned as lingo values to the command line. Distruction of the objects will be performed automatically, when the value is released.
Exception to this rule are certain asynchronous objects, like sockets or menu bars, that will remain active untill object destruction is explicitly requested.
Director is known to be using too much CPU, even when idle. Soon as Xtrema is initialized, an algorithm for reducing redundant CPU usage will be run in each cycle. In practice, you can expect to see a 0%-1% CPU usage when Director is idle, without any performance reduction in cases where power is required.