Get-Only properties | ||||||||||
err | no args | one arg | two args | get returns | set expects | count | ||||
string | <ram> | v | dirStr | Translates to SDS and returns a copy as a Director string (for strS objects, same as .stringX) | ||||||
stringX | <ram> | v | dirStr | Returns a copy of the object's primary buffer as a Director string. | ||||||
stringP | x | v | true | Returns true. | ||||||
value | <var> | v | dirValue | Same as Director's 'value' command - returns the logical value of a string. | ||||||
length | x | v | int char count | Returns the length of a string, in characters. | ||||||
err | x | v | <err> / 0 | If the result of the last operation on the string failed, returns an <err> value. Otherwise, 0 | ||||||
errNum | x | v | int err code | If the result of the last operation on the string failed, returns the integer error code. Otherwise, 0 | ||||||
CP | x | v | int code page | Returns the string's integer CodePage | ||||||
BPD | x | v | 1 or 2 | Returns 1 for single, or 2 for double digit strings. | ||||||
maxBPC | x | v | 1, 2 or 4 | Returns the maximum bytes per character. SBCS:1, DBCS:2 | UCS-2:2 , UTF-16:4 | ||||||
maxDPC | x | v | 1 or 2 | Returns the maximum digits per character. SBCS:1, DBCS:2 | UCS-2:4 , UTF-16:8 | ||||||
get byte, digit, char value /set byte or digit value | Operations performed on the original buffer. Changing a character's value is not allowed, since resizing the string may be required (DBCS, UTF-16). For SBCS and UCS2, digits and character values are equal. | |||||||||
err | no args | one arg | two args | get returns | set expects | count | ||||
byte / BDec | -1 | byte 0 | byte pos | int byte value | int/str | Get: returns the byte's integer value. Set: sets the byte's value - accepts integer or hex string | ||||
BHex | <oob> | byte 0 | byte pos | hex byte value | hex | Get: returns the byte's value as a hex string | ||||
DDec | -1 | digit 0 | digit pos | int digit value | int/str | Get: returns the digits's integer value. Set: sets the digit's value - accepts integer or hex string | ||||
DHex | <oob> | digit 0 | digit pos | hex digit value | hex | Get: returns the digit's value as a hex string | ||||
CDec | -1 | char 0 | char pos | int char value | x | Get: returns the character's integer Value. | ||||
CHex | <oob> | char 0 | char pos | hex char value | x | Get: returns the character's value as a hex string. | ||||
DWinCP | <0 | x | digit pos | digit's cp | x | Returns the character's Windows SBCS code page. Other values: 0:7bit (anypage) -1=unmappapbe, -2=error. | ||||
DMacCP | <0 | x | digit pos | digit's cp | x | Returns the character's Mac SBCS code page. Other values: 0:7bit (anypage), -1=unmappapbe, -2=error. | ||||
upper / lower case | In place Upper/Lower case. To return a new string instead, use e.g. str.dupe().upper. Though all types of strings (SBCS, DBCS, DDS) are supported, using strDs is recommended. | |||||||||
err | no args | one arg | two args | get returns | set expects | count | ||||
upper | x | v | x | parent | Converts all characters of the selection to upper case | |||||
lower | x | v | x | parent | Converts all characters of the selection to lower case | |||||
select / insert digits, chars, words, lines, items | Set: returns a reference (if the object is a reference) or a copy of the target area of the string. Get: inserts the specified data in the target area, resizing the string as required, and dereferencing it (if reference). Singe digit properties use zero-based. e.g. _s("abc").d[0] returns "a" L values expect length as the second value of the range. e.g. _s("0123456").dL[3..2] returns "34" The rest of the properties are compatible to their Director's equivalents (one-based). e.g. _s("abc").d[1] returns "a" |
err | no args | one arg | two args | get returns | set expects | count | ||||
D | x | x | pos, pos | posA, posB | offspring | any val | v | Digit a to b, zero-based | ||
C | x | x | pos, pos | posA, posB | offspring | any val | v | Character a to b, zero-based | ||
W | x | x | pos, pos | posA, posB | offspring | any val | v | Word a to b, zero-based | ||
L | x | x | pos, pos | posA, posB | offspring | any val | v | Line a to b, zero-based. Note: both CR and LF are considered line delimiters. a CRLF is counted as two lines. Tip: Use the leCR to convert CRLFs and orphaned LFs to single CRs | ||
I | x | x | pos, pos | posA, posB | offspring | any val | v | Item a to b, zero-based | ||
DL | x | x | pos, 1 | pos, len | offspring | any val | x | Digit start, length, zero-based | ||
CL | x | x | pos, 1 | pos, len | offspring | any val | x | Character start, length, zero-based | ||
WL | x | x | pos, 1 | pos, len | offspring | any val | x | Word start, length, zero-based | ||
LL | x | x | pos, 1 | pos, len | offspring | any val | x | Line start, length, zero-based | ||
IL | x | x | pos, 1 | pos, len | offspring | any val | x | Item start, length, zero-based | ||
dgt | x | x | pos, pos | posA, posB | offspring | any val | v | Digit a to b, one-based | ||
char | x | x | pos, pos | posA, posB | offspring | any val | v | Character a to b, one-based | ||
word | x | x | pos, pos | posA, posB | offspring | any val | v | Word a to b, one-based | ||
line | x | x | pos, pos | posA, posB | offspring | any val | v | Line a to b, one-based | ||
item | x | x | pos, pos | posA, posB | offspring | any val | v | Item a to b, one-based | ||
get / set word and item delimiters | ||||||||||
iDl | var | v | x | x | x | new dlm str | x | Get or set the item delimiter | ||
wDl | var | v | x | x | x | new dlm str | x | Get or set the word delimiter | ||
set delimiter, return parent | ||||||||||
wDl | var | x | new wDlm str | x | parent | x | x | Allows setting the item delimiter while executing a dot queue. | put _s("a*b#c*d").idl["#"].i[1].idl["*"].i[0] --c |
iDl | var | x | new iDlm str | x | parent | x | x | Allows setting the word delimiter while executing a dot queue. | ||
select / move / expand / shrink selection | Performed on the top or parent object of a dot queue. The returned string will be either a reference, if the top string is a reference, or a copy of the top object's selected area. C/D: End the command with C for characters or D for Digits s/i: Begin the command with s for case sensitive or i for case isensitive searches. inst: instance to search for. E.g 1 (default) will seek for the first instance, 2 for the second. Negative values signify distance from the end. E.g. -1 for the last instance. |
err | no args | one arg | two args | get returns | set expects | count | ||||
prev | v | x | x | ref | Selects the first digit of the top object up to the first digit before the start of the selection. | put _s("abcd").d[2].prev -- ab |
next | v | x | x | ref | Selects the first digit after the end of the selection up to the end of the top object. | put _s("abcd").d[2].next -- d |
bef | v | x | x | ref | Selects an area whose start is the first digit of the selection and it's length 0. | put _s("abcd").d[2].bef.ins("*") -- ab*cd |
aft | v | x | x | ref | Selects an area whose start is the first digit after the end of the selection and it's length 0. | put _s("abcd").d[2].aft.ins("*") -- abc*d |
exp | v | x | x | ref | Selects all digits (begining to end) of the top object. | put _s("one two").w[1].upper.exp -- one TWO |
expBgn | v | x | x | ref | Expands the begining of the selection to the begining of the top object. | put _s("abcd").d[2].expBgn -- abc |
expEnd | v | x | x | ref | Expands the end of the selection to the end of the top object. | put _s("abcd").d[2].expEnd -- cd |
expC/D | x | int len | bgnLen, endLen | ref | Expands the begining and the end of the selection by the number of digits or characters specified. | put _s("abcd").d[2].expC[1] -- bcd |
expBgnC/D | x | int step | x | ref | Expands the begining of the selection by the number of digits or characters specified. | put _s("abcd").d[2].expBgnD[1] -- bc |
expEndC/D | x | int step | x | ref | Expands the end of the selection by the number of digits or characters specified. | put _s("abcd").d[2].expEndD[1] -- cd |
movC/D | x | int step | bgnStep, endStep | ref | Moves the selection by the number of digits or characters specified. | put _s("abcd").d[2].movC[-1] -- b |
movBgnC/D | x | int step | x | ref | Moves the begining of the selection by the amount of digits specified. Unlike the expBgnC/D, uses negative values to expand towards the begining of the top object. | |||||
movEndC/D | x | int step | x | ref | Moves the end of the selection by the amount of digits specified. Same as the expEndC/D. | |||||
s/iSel | x | str | str, pos | ref | Selects the specified string in the parent object. | put _s("abcdabcd").iSel["bc"..2].ins("*2nd*") -- abcda*2nd*d |
s/iSelTag | x | x | strBgn, strEnd | ref | Parser helper - select a tag by defining start and end. | put _s("pre <b><i><b>text</b></i></b> post").iSelTag["<b".."/b>"] -- <b><i><b>text</b></i></b> |
s/iSelInc | x | x | strBgn, strEnd | ref | Selects a substring of the parent string, begining at the fist occurance of strBgn and ending at the end of the first occurance of strEnd after strBgn. | put _s("abcdefg").iSelInc["b".."f"].ins("*") -- a*g |
s/iSelExc | x | x | strBgn, strEnd | ref | Selects a substring of the parent string, begining after the fist occurance of strBgn and ending before the first occurance of strEnd after strBgn. | put _s("abcdefg").iSelExc["b".."f"].ins("*") -- ab*fg |
s/iBgnBef | x | strBgn | strBgn, inst=1 | ref | Selects a substring of the parent string, begining before the specified occurance of strBgn. | put _s("abcd-abcd").iBgnBef["b"..-1].ins("*last*") -- abcd-a*last* |
s/iBgnAft | x | strBgn | strBgn, inst=1 | ref | Selects a substring of the parent string, begining after the specified occurannce of strBgn. | put _s("abcd-abcd").iBgnAft["b"..-1].ins("*last*") -- abcd-ab*last* |
s/iEndBef | x | strEnd | strEnd, inst=1 | ref | Selects a substring of the parent string, ending before the specified occurance of strEnd. | put _s("abcdABCD").sEndBef["B"] -- abcdA |
s/iEndAft | x | strEnd | strEnd, inst=1 | ref | Selects a substring of the parent string, ending after the specified occurance of strEnd. | put _s("abcdABCD").sEndAft["B"] -- abcdAB |
s/iExpTag | x | x | strBgn, end | ref | Parser helper - expands a substring of a tag to the enclosing tag. | put _s("pre <b><i><b>text</b></i></b> post").iSel["<i>"].iExpTag["<b".."/b>"] -- <b><i><b>text</b></i></b> |
s/iExpInc | x | x | strBgn, end | ref | Expands a substring towards the beging before the first digit of strBgn and towards the end till after the last digit of strEnd. | put _s("pre <b><i><b>text</b></i></b> post").iSel["<i>"].iExpInc["<b".."/b>"] -- <b><i><b>text</b> |
s/iExpExc | x | x | strBgn, end | ref | Expands a substring towards the beging after the last digit of strBgn and towards the end till before the first digit of strEnd. | put _s("pre <b><i><b>text</b></i></b> post").iSel["<i>"].iExpExc["<b".."/b>"] -- ><i><b>text< |
s/iExpBgnBef | x | strBgn | strBgn, inst=1 | ref | Expands a substring's begining before the first digit of the specified occurance of strBgn. | put _s("abcdABCD").sSel["c"].sExpBgnBef["a"] -- abc |
s/iExpBgnAft | x | strBgn | strBgn, inst=1 | ref | Expands a substring's begining after the last digit of the specified occurance of strBgn. | put _s("abcdABCD").sSel["c"].sExpBgnAft["a"] -- bc |
s/iExpEndBef | x | strEnd | strEnd, inst=1 | ref | Expands a substring's end before the first digit of the specified occurance of strEnd. | put _s("abcdABCD").sSel["c"].iExpEndBef["a"..-1] -- cd |
s/iExpEndAft | x | strEnd | strEnd, inst=1 | ref | Expands a substring's end after the last digit of the specified occurance of strEnd. | put _s("abcdABCD").sSel["c"].iExpEndAft["a"..-1] -- cdA |
s/iBgnAnyOf | x | strBlock | x | ref | Sets the begining of a string to the first occurance of any of the strBlock characters | put _s("abcdABCD").sBgnAnyOf["cB"] -- cdABCD |
s/iBgnNotOf | x | strBlock | x | ref | Sets the begining of a string to the first occurance of a character not belonging to the strBlock characters | put _s("abcdABCD").sBgnNotOf["cba"] -- dABCD |
s/iSselBlkOf | x | strBlock | x | ref | Selects the first sequence of characters belonging to strBlock | put _s("abcdABCD").sSelBlkOf["dAc"] -- cdA |
s/iTrim | whtSpc | str | x | ref | Shrinks the selection's ends by excluding any characters belonging to str | put _s(" ab cd ").sTrim.enclose() -- "ab cd" |
s/iTrimBgn | whtSpc | str | x | ref | Shrinks the selection's begining, by excluding any characters belonging to str | put _s(" ab cd ").sTrimBgn.enclose() -- "ab cd " |
s/iTrimEnd | whtSpc | str | x | ref | Shrinks the selection's end, by excluding any characters belonging to str | put _s("*!abcd*#!").sTrimEnd["!*#"].enclose() -- "*!abcd" |
s/iEase | whtSpc | str | x | ref | Expands the selection's ends by including any adjacent characters belonging to str | put _s("***ABC***").iSel["b"].sEase["CA"] -- ABC |
s/iEaseBgn | whtSpc | str | x | ref | Expands the selection's begining, by including any adjacent characters belonging to str | put _s("***ABC***").iSel["b"].sEaseBgn["CA"] -- AB |
s/iEaseEnd | whtSpc | str | x | ref | Expands the selection's end, by including anyadjacent characters belonging to str | put _s("***ABC***").iSel["b"].sEaseEnd["*CA"] -- BC*** |
position of the selection relative to top object (in characters or digits) | Note:the length is returned using the .d.count or .c.count commands | |||||||||
err | no args | one arg | two args | get returns | set expects | count | ||||
offC/D | v | start pos | Returns the zero-based offset of the begining of the selection, relative to the top object, in digits or characters | put _s("0123456789").iSel["56"].offD -- 5 |
selC/D | v | [pos, len] | Returns the zero-based [begining, length] of the selection, relative to the top object, in digits or characters | put _s("0123456789").iSel["56"].selD -- [5, 2] |
create ref / get top object | Use references (objects containing c++ pointers, rather than copies of the actual data) to increase performance and versatility. WARNING: improper use of references will most probably crash your app |
err | no args | one arg | two args | get returns | set expects | count | ||||
top | v | x | x | top obj | Returns the top object | |||||
ref | v | x | x | ref | Creates and returns a reference to the selection | p=_s("one two three") r=p.w[1].ref put r -- two |
[ra]/ref[ra..rb] | x | ref of par | refA, refB | ref in top | Assuming r is an offspring (selection) of p, p[r] will set p as the top object of a dot queue, and r the selected area of p. | put p[r].prev -- one |