[2] |
Returns | <strS> / <err> | ||||||||||||||||||||||
CP | CodePage to be used for the conversion. If set, it overrides the CP stored in the strD object. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
flags | Flags to be used. | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Description |
Creates a new strS, by converting the unicode strD to a SBPC or MBPC SDS object (strS).
If a CP is passed, it will be used instead of the strD's CP for the conversion, and CP will become the new object's CP. The strD to strS conversions are performed using the Windows 'WideCharToMultiByte' function [Related blog] In most cases, you don't need to pass any flags to this command. However, access to all flags the WCtoMB command is included in the Xtra, as it may be required for special cases. In the table below, the flags, well as their c++ equivalents have been included, along with some simplified as possible instructions and examples. ( the ms documents for these flags are rather confusing ) flags:
Examples |
put _d("abc-αβγ").toS()
-- abc-αβγ put _d("abc-αβγ", 1251).toS() -- abc-αβγ put _d("abc-αβγ", 1251).toS(1253) -- the original data were created to Cyrillic unicode characters. -- abc-??? --the Greek codepage 1253 contains no Cyrillic characters. d=_dcs("0075", "0308") --u ̈ (2 DD characters) put d.tos(1252).pop().cList(#hex) -- [75, A8] --u¨(2 SD characters) put d.tos(1252, #comp).pop().toClip().cList(#hex) -- [FC] --ü (1 SD character) d=_dcs("0075", "0308", "0308").cp(1252) --u ̈̈ (3 characters - overlapping) put d.toS(#comp).pop().cList(#hex) --ü¨ (1 composite + 1 non spacing character) -- [FC, A8] put d.toS(#compXdropNs).pop().cList(#hex) --ü (1 composite character) -- [FC] put d.toS(#compXnmc).pop().cList(#hex) --? (1 unmappable character) -- [3F] put d.toS(#compXnmc, #nmcErr) --same command as above, but with #nmcErr enabled. -- <xErr 1113 No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page.> put d.toS(#nbToNmc).pop().cList(#hex) --u?? (1 character + 2 non-bidir -> nmc) -- [75, 3F, 3F] put d.toS(1252, #comp, #nbToNmc).pop().cList(#hex) -- ü? (1 composite + 1 non-bidirectional) -- [FC, 3F] |
Notes |
If strD is actually a SDS, the result of the sequence strD.toD().toS( {cp} {,flags}) will be returned.
The .toS() command does not use any cached data stored in the source object. |
[3] |
Returns | <strS> / <err> | |||
CP | CodePage to be used for the conversion. If set, it overrides the CP stored in the strD object. | |||
#standard | #win (default) or #mac. Specifies the type of SDS strings (CodePages) to return. | |||
#method |
#err: if the string contains unmappable characters, return an <err> #ref: if the string contains unmappable characters, return a reference to the first unmappable character #prop: return a propList of CP:strS pairs. #propX: return a propList of CP:strS pairs. The property CP will be 0 for all 7bit characters, and -1 for unmappable characters. |
Description | Attempts to convet strD to a sequence of SBPC strSs. If a character (or sequence of characters) can't be converted to a strS (e.g. belonging to a DBPC code page), that part of the string will be returned as a strD. If #prop, or #propX is used, the result will be a propList containing cp:strS pairs. The cp property of the list, will be -1: for parts of the original string that could not be mapped to SBPC code pages (and the value will be strD) 0: (#propX only) if the strS's characters exist in all SBPC code pages. CP: if the strS's characters belong to a specific code page. The CP values of the parsed str objects will always be valid code pages. Preferred order: strD's CP > glbCP > 1252(win) / 10000(mac) To display the returned strings in a text or field member, you have to use for each string a font that matches its code page. |
Examples | put _d("abcαβγ").app("abcαβγ", 1251).toSL()
-- [abcαβγabc, αβγ] put _d("abcαβγ").app("abcαβγ", 1251).toSL(#prop) -- [1253: abcαβγabc, 1251: αβγ] put _d("abcαβγ").app("abcαβγ", 1251).toSL(#propX) -- [0: abc, 1253: αβγ, 0: abc, 1251: αβγ] put _d("abcαβγ").app("abcαβγ", 1251).toSL(#mac, #prop) -- [10000: abc, 10006: αβηabc, 10007: αβγ] put _d("abcαβγ").app("abcαβγ", 1251).toSL(#mac, #propX) -- [0: abc, 10006: αβη, 0: abc, 10007: αβγ] |
Notes | For the first example, you could use the Arial-Greek font to display the first str in the list, and Arial-Cyr for the second.
For methods other than #propX, the results of this command may vary for machines with different language settings, since language (defaultCP) affects the preferred order. |
[4] |
Returns | <strD> / <err> | ||||||||||||||||
CP | Forces the Xtra to use CP instead of strS's CP for the conversion. | ||||||||||||||||
flags | Flags to be used. | ||||||||||||||||
Description |
Creates a new strD, by converting the SBPC or MBPC strS to a unicode DDS object (strD).
If a CP is passed, it will be used instead of the strD's CP for the conversion, and CP will become the new object's CP. The strS to strD conversion is performed using the Windows 'MultiByteToWideChar' function. [Related blog] flags:
Examples |
s=_sc("c4", 1252) --Ä = [00C4] | A¨=[0041, 0308]
put s.toD().cList(#hex), s.toD(#decomp).cList(#hex) -- [00C4] [0041, 0308] --the contents of the strings created with #comp and with #decomp put _sc("82", 932 ).toD() -- put _sc("82", 932).toD(#nmcErr) -- <xErr 1113 No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page.> |
Notes | If strS is actually a DDS, the result will be a copy of the original object { with CP=CP } |
[5] |
Returns | <strX> / <err> | |||||||||||||||||||
flags | Flags to be used. | |||||||||||||||||||
Description |
Returns a new string after processing the original strX according to flags.
The processing is performed by the Windows 'FoldString' function. [Related blog] flags:
Examples |
d=_dcs("0041", "0308")
put d, d.map(#comp), d.map(#comp).map(#decomp) -- A¨ Ä A¨ --as seen on Western (1252) systems. d=_dc("00e6") put d, d.map(#lgDecomp) -- æ ae --as seen on Western (1252) systems. indic=_dcs("0660", "0661", "0662") --٠١٢ = 012 put indic.pop().cList(#hex), indic.map(#stdDec).pop() -- [0660, 0661, 0662] 012 --indic numbers ٠١٢ mapped to 012 Filtering out accents, and capitalizing text e.g. for indexing or accent insensitive searches. s=_s("Ελληνικό κείμενο") put s.map(#decomp).sRep("´").upper -- ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΚΕΙΜΕΝΟ or: put s.toD().map(#decomp).toS().sRep("΄").upper -- ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΚΕΙΜΕΝΟ |
Notes |
This command can be called on strSs, long as they use the system's codepage, but may not work as expected for all CodePages.
It is suggested to use this instead: result = strS.toD().map(flags).toS() |
[6] |
Returns | True / False | |||
Description |
isS() returns true if strX is a SDS, and false if it is a DDS.
isD() returns true if strX is a DDS, and false if it is a SDS. |
Examples |
put _s("abc").isS()
-- 1 |
Notes |
[7] |
Returns | <strD as S> / <err> | |||
Description | Forces the Xtra to treat strD as strS. The original object is returned (as strS) to the command line. | |||
Examples |
put str.cList(#hex) -- [0061, 0062] put str.forceS().cList(#hex) -- [61, 00, 62, 00] |
Notes | You can use this command to turn a strD to a strS object, so that you can access/modify its binary content easier. The object can be converted back to strD using the strS.forceD() command. |
[8] |
Returns | <strS as D> / <err> | |||
Description |
Forces the Xtra to treat strS as strD
If strS's length in bytes is not even, an <err> is returned. Otherwise, the original object will be returned (as strD) to the command line. |
Examples |
put str.cList(#hex) -- [61, 62, 63, 64] put str.forceD().cList(hex) -- [6261, 6463] put _s("abc").forceD() --odd number of bytes. -- <xErr 66623 InvalidData> |
Notes |